
Reengage Abandoned Carts

The thought of a crowded supermarket, its aisles teeming with shoppers and activity, but replete with abandoned shopping carts at the cashier, is eerie. Where have all the customers gone?

This phenomena occurs more frequently in e-commerce environments than you might imagine, and it frequently serves as a major cause of revenue loss for companies that neglect to take certain simple preventive actions.

Fortunately, there are a number of best practices that every brand can use to counteract this type of customer behavior, many of which can be fully automated, simplified, or maximized when used in conjunction with a strong platform like WhatsApp.

What might lead to Abandoned Carts

Even though there are many other reasons why a customer might give up on their basket, friction is typically the main issue that could stand in the way of your intended path to purchase.

Any barrier that could make it difficult or inconvenient for customers to finish a purchase is simply referred to as friction. Think about the following reasons why you have probably abandoned carts in the past: Was the checkout procedure difficult or confusing? An unanticipated, last-minute expense increase? An excessively lengthy shipment duration or cost? Your customer's attention and purchasing intent could easily be diverted by any of these frictional situations—and more.

Surprisingly, studies indicate that at least five friction spots can be found on 99% of e-commerce websites, all of which have the potential to reduce a customer's propensity to make a purchase. Fortunately, businesses can use the WhatsApp Business Platform to implement certain best practices that will lessen the negative impact of friction on their clients.

The Best Ways to Use WhatsApp to Save a Post-Abandonment Sale

Refusing delivery or other unexpected costs

According to a survey, the main cause of cart abandonment (cited by 55% of consumers) is additional expenses.

Even while you should always try to make sure that the consumer is made aware of any additional expenses at every stage of the purchasing process, you do have certain choices available to you if they continue to object to shipping charges. When a customer leaves their cart, the WhatsApp Business Platform can send them a gentle reminder to come back, maybe along with a free shipping offer for new users.

Giving the consumer some cross-sell recommendations to add to their cart in order to meet the free shipping barrier could be another way to go.

Doubt regarding the product's specifications

You might observe some customers "dropping off" during the buying process if they are left wondering if your product will meet their needs.

Fortunately, WhatsApp Business Platform enables agents and automated chatbots to respond to consumer inquiries around-the-clock. Ideally, a bot can handle some common FAQs that your company may have (such as inquiries about availability, shipping, and return policies), freeing up human agents to handle more specialized or delicate matters as they come up.

In addition to helping you respond to inquiries from consumers in a timely manner, this kind of availability will build trust with them and show that your company values their concerns. Ideally, this would encourage repeat business from customers rather than cart abandonment.

Annoyance with a malfunctioning service

Customers will not tolerate broken storefronts or other digital annoyances in the modern economy.

Indeed, if a page takes longer than three seconds to load, 57% of users say they will abandon their cart. 81% of them will never return!

Because conversational commerce operates through messages and feedback from customers, WhatsApp is able to detect problems early on and enable agents to work around a broken storefront by completing the transaction in the chat window.

Fear of Being Forsaken? Pay Attention To Your Consumers

The capacity of commercial messaging services like WhatsApp to recognize and promptly resolve "friction" when it arises during the purchasing process is ultimately what makes them so effective.

By offering a more streamlined and customized experience and promptly and effectively addressing customer concerns, these channels can assist to lessen consumer annoyance, which can decrease cart abandonment and increase brand loyalty and conversions among your customers.


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