
What Is Customer Segmentation?

WhatsApp segmentation allows you to divide up your audience into more manageable groups based on common traits. These groups share characteristics that are utilized to craft a message specifically for that segment or group.

Why Do You Need Segmentation?

The first step in putting this effective technique into practice is understanding why segmentation is necessary. It involves more than just messaging clients. It all comes down to timing and message delivery to the appropriate people. Let's examine some of the primary reasons for incorporating consumer segmentation in WhatsApp marketing:

  • Enhanced targeting of customers who are likely to purchase again Satisfied repeat customers become advocates for your brand. Their word-of-mouth referrals drive organic growth and build brand loyalty. Use purchase history data to segment customers and personalise your messages. Offer incentives to motivate consumers to make repeat purchases. Recommend products based on past purchases to increase order value and enhance shopping experience.
  • Win back losing customers It can be costly and time-consuming to try to win back every client that departed. However, you may identify consumers who are more likely to come back by grouping them according to information, behaviour, and previous purchases. Utilizing your limited time and marketing budget more wisely may involve concentrating on this kind of consumers who are already loyal to you. Finding those who are most inclined to give you another chance is crucial.
  • Lower cost of conversion and better ROI Your contact list contains people who are not all at the same stage of the sales cycle. Some are devoted clients who don't require hearing about your goods repeatedly. Before making that first purchase, some people may need benefits like free shipping or discounts. Rather than blasting the same thing to everyone, audience segmentation allows you to better personalize messaging to individual requirements. Additionally, this raises revenue, improves engagement, and maximizes your return on investment. Speaking with individuals at different stages of their connection with your company is known as segmenting contacts. This more targeted marketing spends less money and converts more effectively.
  • Improved engagement and reduced unsubscription Consider a scenario in which a brand sent you a message encouraging you to recommend them to your friends and family even though you were not yet a customer. You will unsubscribe eventually if you continue to receive these pointless messages, as it seems strange. If you don't give your audience only pertinent messages, the same thing happens to your brand. Sending out email blasts too frequently causes "message fatigue" in your audience, which lowers engagement and lessens the effectiveness of your campaign. Your brand communications stay relevant to your audience and avoid being "too annoying" thanks to segmentation.
  • Better insights to identify valuable customer segments Use segmentation to get more insightful data, such as which individuals on your list are most likely to connect with your message and what kind of messaging resonates with them. You can determine which group resonates the most and what common behaviours their contacts exhibit when you split your list and offer them tailored messages.

You can handle customer service from a single location using the MKonnect platform through WhatsApp. It provides features for WhatsApp consumer segmentation, which can be significant to upscale the marketing game. This implies that, as you have already discovered, you are able to communicate with the appropriate individuals through segmentation. However, MKonnect does not stop there. With WhatsApp, you can send marketing messages, retrieve abandoned carts, and even verify orders. It's a simple, useful tool that is meant to make your life easier.


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